------------------------------- ------------------------------------ On and Off The Needles

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Good Intentions

I was all excited to photograph the really neat corrugated ribbing for the mittens. It's all done. It looks really nice. Not bad for a first attempt at two color ribbing. Picture? Yeah, a picture would have been great, but I left the mitten at my parents house this weekend. Lucky for me, my dad is coming to stay with us tomorrow for a conference he's speaking at, so the mittens and I will be reunited then. Then I can take pictures.

So, to fill the picture-less mitten void, I snapped a shot of my very slowly growing Phyllo pullover.

Apple Phyllo
Granny Smith apples are my absolute favorite. I grabbed about four pounds of organic ones the last time I was at Whole Foods. After taking this picture, I realized I may have found my next color combination. I really like the earthyness of both colors and the contrast of the bright green and rich brown.

With leaving the mittens at my parents, I have been forced to work on the Phyllo. The back is done, and this is the beginnings of the front - 14" of stockinette (not as bad as the 16" I did for the back). But, once that is over, the real fun begins. The yoke. The centerpiece of the whole sweater. The sleeves are done, so really, once I trudge through this front, I should be home free. Just in time for summer.

To close, a few puppy shots of Otis doing his favorite "roll in the grass" activity to round out the post.

He does need to learn to shake off after he rolls though. Often times he comes wandering back into the house through the dog door covered in grass and dirt. Then proceeds to lay on the couch. Good dog.