I Was Hoping For More
This weekend didn't contain nearly enough knitting time as I would have liked. All of Saturday was spent at the kennel taking care of the dogs and doing a fair amount of agility training with Ravin and Tucker. Not leaving Otis out, he got a nice bath to speed up his spring shedding. I did knit some on Saturday night, but I was pretty exhausted. Knitting on Sunday fared a bit better, and by the time I went to bed last night, I had a good chunk of Turkish #2 done.
It wouldn't be a weekend without some baking around these parts. I had some bananas that were way, way past their prime. A few other pantry and fridge essentials and I had one amazingly delicious banana bread.

The recipe is from Nigella Lawson's How To Be A Domestic Goddess. Every recipe I make out of this book has been so yummy. They are basic, really good and the book has a great variety. The library won't be getting this one back anytime soon!
From another library book, The Bread Baker's Apprentice (the same book the French Bread came from) I made a pair of Portuguese Sweet Breads. This bread has always been a favorite of our family's and I wanted to try making some from scratch. They turned out really pretty!
I haven't tried it yet as I took them out of the oven right around bedtime last night, but I'm anxious to see how they taste.
Another weekend ritual - the washing of the handknit socks. I love seeing them all laid out to dry together....I wear my socks quite a bit and they are all holding up very well.
Winter has a firm grasp around here. We had flurries yesterday and the temps aren't supposed to top the mid 40's for the week. Where is spring???