So Close
I'm at the toe of my dad's first sock. I think I may just put it on holders for now until I can see him and have him try it on. There is no way I'm kitchnering this sock without his foot trying it on first! It was a quick knit - I knit part of the heel and the entire foot during the Alias finale. I'm hoping to start the second one today/tonight so I'll have it to work on during the down times at the trial this weekend. The weather looks perfect - if a bit warm - this weekend. Tucker is not a big fan of the heat, though Otis loves it (we call him a cat, he'll seek out sunny spots on the floor to lay in and he often lays out on the deck all spread out in full sun on 90 degree days - he's weird). This was last year mid summer on one of those hot, disgusting days. Makes me hot just looking at it.
I'm trying to decide on my next project - I know it should be blue for PS, and I'd love it to be lace for The Amazing Lace (which I have to do my first challenge post on!) - maybe Hedera? Or, maybe a lace pattern from one of the Barbara Walker books I looked at a few weeks back. So many choices! The Trek Along also starts June 1st, but I may hang back a bit on this one to see what patterns other people make. I know the Trekking looks great in a plain stockinette sock, but I'd love to use it in a pattern of some kind. I'll wait and see what people do. It should be very interesting! Now off to compose the first AL Challenge!