Knitbloggers continue to be one of the most supportive, helpful, friendly and generous group of people I have ever met. (the dog agility community comes in a very, very close second! Knitting Dog people are definitely the tops!)
Kimberly was here in the States on Cape Cod on vacation from Germany. Exchanging comments on our blogs, and emailing for quite a while now, we tried to schedule a meet up, but it was just not meant to be. Both of our schedules were crazy, and the planets just didn't align for us. Hopefully another time! She did, however, send me a little German care package.
A few weeks back, I got a mysterious email from Kristy. Turns out I was the 1000th commenter on her blog! She sent me some incredible yarn.
Silk! I have never even really touched silk yarn, now I have some! And the color - it's like lavender with a touch of gray. Beautiful. Don't let the picture fool you - she sent me not one skein, but TWO! As I oogled over the skeins, I went to pull the rest of the tissue paper (purple also!) out of the box. Low and behold another goodie!
A zip bag! As we all know, you can never have enough project bags (or bags in general!). This one is stunning. The fabrics are so pretty.....
I already have a project in mind for the silk. A little something for my mom.
The Montego Bay Scarf from the Summer '07 Interweave Knits. I think she'd really like it, and I haven't knit much other than a few pair of house socks for her, so more mom-knitting is in order.
Thanks so much Kristy!!!! Another great blogger who I hope to be able to hang out with a bit more in person one of these days! (and check out her newest addition - how cute!)
And, lastly, Jillian selected me for a Rockin' Girl Blogger award!
According to the rules, you nominate 5 other female bloggers and they in turn nominate 5 more and so on, and so on. (somehow I'm thinking of an old I think Breck shampoo commercial.....) So, my nominees are:
- Elinor for her ability to find the time to knit, sew and do other crafty things even with having an adorable little girl to take care of!
- Jessica for her unbelievable organization of both Summer of Socks '06 and '07! Plus, she knits some really amazing stuff and now spins too!
- Terhi for what else - all her amazing creations - especially socks.
- Sarah for many reasons. She knits, she sews, she spins, she has an ultra cute doggie. She's just the best.
- Aija because she is one of the first knitbloggers I ever really had a "non-comment" blog relationship with. We emailed, discussed sock yarns - now she's a star with her rocking Etsy shop.
In knitting news, Licorice Whip progresses. I still think I may run out of yarn though. The scale may need to come out to get some general ideas as to where I am and how much I have left. The yarn is recycled, so I was never truly sure as to how much I had yardage wise to begin with. It finally feels like I'm getting somewhere though. The sleeve stitches are now on holders and I'm starting to do the little bit above the waist.

I'm thinking (and hoping!) it will go quick from here. Ashley is already on the waist shaping for her fourth incantation of the sweater....looks like that center lace panel will need a little blocking.
I think I have a decent amount of knitting time this week. I'm working on hubby's second Lichen Rib Sock and have started (ribbing only) my sister's colorwork sock. I think we finally decided on a pattern.