I'll let it speak for itself....
I'm really happy with how it turned out. The sole I kind of just winged, and went with the striping that carried down the foot. I did know I wanted patterning right to the tip of the toe. The gusset I ended up doing a solid pink. A few other options were explored, but then ripped. The look just competed with the instep. There are a few places where there is a loose stitch, but overall, my tension is pretty even. There will be a modeled shot, but I'm waiting for the pair to be done. More impact that way I think.
The second sock is already cast on and colorwork commences. It should go a bit quicker as I have all the technicalities worked out and written down on copious slips of paper. I guess a little re-organization is in order also!
Wanting to look at colors other than pink and yellow for a bit, I started hubby's next pair. Inspired (once again) by a pair by Terhi. Her green Little Child's Socks shown here made me take a second look at the pattern. Seems like that is the case with a lot of the Nancy Bush patterns - they aren't photographed too well for the book (the case in almost all of the poor socks in Knitting On The Road), but when I see a pair done out in blogland, they come to life and scream to be knit. Hubby liked them (especially the texture on the instep), so I pulled out the Lisa Souza Hardtwist in the beautiful semi-solid Bluegrass color that hubby himself picked out.

It's a thicker, very springy yarn that knits up super fast on #3 needles. The stitch count I'm leaving the same, just going up on yarn and needle size based on previous pairs. I'd say it's about the same gauge as the medium weight Socks that Rock.
Not to leave you without at least a few mouth-watering photos for a cold and rainy Monday morning, I made the Overnight Pizza Dough recipe from A Year in Bread.
It was the best homemade crust we have ever had. Not only was it very easy to make, it came out wonderful. The chew was fantastic, it was crispy outside and really tender inside and tasted great. We chose to top it really simply - fresh tomatoes, basil, minced garlic and red onions with a little basil and fresh mozzarella. Try it. Now.
No dinner this close to Easter would be complete without dessert, right?