Forward Momentum
I feel like I made some real progress on the Turkish Stocking this weekend. The pattern is coming out great in the colors I chose, and it fits me perfectly (is that fate?). For now, I think I will keep knitting and if it ends up fitting my sister, she can have them - if not, I get a swanky pair of knee highs! Then, I can use my gauge, measurements and fit as a guide for a pair for my sister.
The side motifs did end up changing - I think these are a bit "cleaner" and more to my taste. I also eliminated the crosses in the center of the large motif. Just didn't like it. (picture of the original here).
Knitting time was kind of compromised this weekend as my new obsession took over.

Another loaf of the No Knead Bread. Bread making in general was my weekend focus. Two books from the library - The Bread Bible and The Bread Makers Apprentice were my constant companions. I read through the lengthy introductions and techniques sections of both and discovered the many, many (MANY!) ways to shape, bake and form bread. The best way, I figured, to see which book really worked for me was to actually make something out of each of them. Since bread making is not a quick process, I decided to start with French Bread out of the Apprentice book first. The first step has been in the fridge overnight, and I hope to bake the loaves off tonight.
The weather this weekend only propelled my baking desires. Saturday was beautiful - temperatues in the 50's and sun. I took the boys for a nice brisk walk in my t-shirt! When I woke up Sunday morning, it had all changed.
A few inches of wet snow. Luckily, it is the end of March and it doesn't stick around for long. By the end of the day, it was all melted.
While my bread was rising and the dough was proofing, the Street Smart Hoodie got some armholes.
The shaping is done, but I now just need to knit another 5" or so of length. Then I can bind off the shoulders! Thanks for all the suggestions on the front. Lots to think about....
How I forgot to mention it, I'll never know, but a while back Caro was getting rid of a bit of her UFO's and stash that just weren't doing it for her. Lucky for me, she is so generous! I mentioned that I've always wanted a pair of Regia Crazy Color socks. She was nice enough to send along a pair of almost completed gloves made from said yarn! I frogged them back and now have the makings of some crazy striped socks. (Here is a great pair in the same colorway I now have!) She also sent me one of her fabulous scrabble stitch markers! Thanks again Caro!
This week my goal is to knit as much as possible on the Turkish Stocking, and to figure out how the heel/foot will work. I have a month to deplete my sock yarn stash as much as possible. The Hoodie will probably be taking a back burner for a bit!