Chugging Along
No real momentus progress to report here. I've been working away at the Broken Cable Rib sock and am through the gusset and on the foot. Luckily, Ivy's feet are about 2" shorter than mine, so less knitting! I'm not sure I decreased down far enough though, but I'm hoping the ribbed instep will help with the fit if I don't get it right! The Tess yarn is still a delight - the color is so saturated and has small amounts of varigation - just enough to keep it interesting.
The Street Smart Hoodie sleeve is still drying from it's wet block. The stitches did plump up a bit, but even in the dry winter weather, it's taking forever to dry! I started sleeve #2.
This was at a very relaxed moment before I realized I did all the ribbing on the wrong sized needle. I forgot to switch back to the smaller needle before I cast on. So, it all has been ripped so I can start again. Luckily I hadn't gotten too far before I realized it. It's now been re-knit on the correct size needles.
Tucker and I are starting to gear up for the upcoming agility season. Our first trial is in March, so we are working hard to get back on track. After a great lesson yesterday, we were both exhausted.
![Tucker Fighting Sleep](
Ravin got in a good workout too. They both collapsed on the couch when we got home. I love tired puppies! Ravin was obviously so tired he forgot to get on his bed the entire way!
Meanwhile, hubby has been working away at his own little project.
He upgraded to the new Vista OS the day it came out. He had attended a launch party in Boston a few weeks ago with my dad (they are both tech geeks). To me, not too much looks different. You seem to navigate the same, but there are some neat little shortcuts and cute widgets now.
The salad is also growing at a good rate.
We had to move the unit so we could raise the light box at the top. I'm thinking salad for dinner this weekend!!
Today is Groundhog day. I wonder if he'll see his shadow? It's not like we've really had winter yet except for some cold temperatures. We still have bare ground!