------------------------------- ------------------------------------ On and Off The Needles

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Smock On!

As promised, a little demo/tutorial on smocking. This is not the "formal" way to smock (which I believe is done after the knitting is completed) and I am sure there are other ways out there - I am definitely not professing to be an expert by any means! This is how I'm doing the smocking for my sweater thanks to Veronique. It's simple, easy, requires no extra needles, and looks pretty darn good at the end. (This is my first attempt at a tutorial - please let me know if you'd like any improvements or further explanation!)

So, away we go!
1. Determine the number of stitches you are going to smock (here, I will smock six stitches)
smocking demo 1
2. Place the right needle after the last stitch you would like to smock. Here, I am putting it between stitch #6 and stitch #7 as I want a 6 stitch smock.
smocking demo 2
3. Wrap the working yarn around the needle just like you were knitting a stitch.
smocking demo 3
4. Pull the loop through the knitting.
smocking demo 4
5. Place the newly formed loop in front of the first stitch on the left needle.
smocking demo 5
6. Knit the new loop together with the first stitch (or purl together - whatever the pattern calls for). Make sure you give the yarn a good tug to tighen up the smock loop as you knit it.
smocking demo 6
7. Continue in pattern, knitting or purling the stitches as needed within the smock, then the rest of the row.
smocking demo 7
8. The finished smock! (on the right needle) It looks like it is already down a few rows, but becuase it is wrapping around stitches, it tends to sit a little low.
smocking demo 8
9. What it looks like after some rows above it are complete.
smocking demo 9

I hope this helps clarify how easy (and kind of fun!) smocking really is!

On the sock front I'm at a point of indecision as to what to start next....there are just way too many great patterns out there! (Have you seen the new Cablenet pattern from Knitty? I love heel patterning!)